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Light spike detection and calibration

A new feature in TeboCam is the light spike detection and calibration facility.
Tebocam goes some way to eliminating 'false' positives' with the sensitivity setting.
Now with the Time and Tolerance setting sudden light events can be eliminated from triggering an alarm in TeboCam.

This means a cloud obscuring the sun can be caught by TeboCam and not trigger a motion alarm.
This setting is optional and if you are happy with your TeboCam settings there is no need to make any more changes.

If you want to refine TeboCam movement detection even further then you will want to use this feature.

While the feature is free, a manual exists which explains how to go about getting the best out of this feature.
The manual is available via the Buy Now button at the bottom of the screen.

Sneak preview of the manual(rest assured - the manual contains illustrated
examples and is not just a mathematical textbook - the manual explains how
light spike detection occurs which is why the maths is necessary.)




Light Spike Detection Manual $10
Once you have purchased the manual, the manual will download as a pdf onto your computer.