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Something is eating up all your disk space and you don't know what is doing this.

Yesterday you were sure there was 7 gig more space on that hard-drive than today -
and you can't work out where that 7 gig has gone.

TeboFile will scan a drive or path (including network drives/paths) and show you which
files are taking up the most space.

Also shown is a summary of which filetypes take up the most space.

You may discover that although BMPs take up the most room your ZIP files are in fact the
largest files.

Plus lots more information that is invaluable to anyone managing diskspace and disk

Oh - and we forgot to mention that the information can be filtered, exported and is also
available to view in pie-chart format.

Trial Version:
-30 day time limited trial
-Full functionality excluding command line option.

Full Version:
-Command line scanning - enabling TeboFile to be scheduled to run overnight etc.
-Online help manual which is updated regularly.
-Free minor upgrades and bug-fixes.
-Unlimited use of TeboFile.